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Warm & Cool / Baby Room Progress

In doing an audit of my décor—spurred on by this nesting thing before the baby comes that is for real: we have sorted, organized, donated, purged—I’ve decided to share something I already new about myself. I like to mix a cool color with a warm one. I can’t help it!

Red & Blue—Yes, please!

Cherry & Turquoise—mmm hmm.

Coral & Navy—check!

Raspberry & Seafoam Green—makes sense to me.

What’s warm without cool? Grey, black, white. That’s what it is. Which I’ve also learned you need so that your blues and reds get the credit they deserve. Nesting has brought out lots more neutrals for me as well. Mostly in the form or bright white. Still have more white to conquer but some of that will have to wait until later. Cause I’ve got + or – 8 weeks of pregnancy left and I’m slowing waaaaaaay down.

So here are some examples of the warm and cool mix up under our roof.

Bedding Patterns


Tissue Boxes I just bought from Target


Guest Bath Florals


Office Patterns on Walls & Textiles


Wallpaper Mural from Anthropologie in Living Room (don't worry the other walls are grey)


Kitchen Curtains


Bathroom Rugs


Bedroom Wall / Curtain / Shade / Lamp


Bedroom Curtain Pattern Detail / Shade Detail


Bedroom Lamp Shade / Wall / Dresser


Now for the update on the baby room for Theo (that’s the name we chose, short for Theodore) our almost here little boy.

So here’s where I was.


1. The yellow was too bright when I started painting it on the walls and I wanted to involve the baby daddy in this decision (working on husband not living in wife’s overwhelming design world) so my husband picked out a navy color for the triangle wall to replace the yellow. And we both love it!

2. Red wingback from IKEA—sold out everywhere—so we went with the red bent rocker we already had for Theo’s room and opted for this nice pale grey version of the IKEA wingback for the living room. Still debating on adding rockers to the wingback. I go back and forth day-to-day.

Here’s the evolution of the original plan.


And below are pics of the progress and where some of the items can be found.

Boston pennant (found here) and fox pillow (from Urban Outfitters found here) we registered for are both from dear friends

Spray painted existing mirror frame bright yellow

White Better Homes and Gardens owl lamp featured on can be found in stores and online at Walmart

Chalkboard wood box from Target was a gift from a friend

Scripture tile is a gift from a friend

Ottoman I made a few years ago


Hooks found at Urban Outfitters a few years ago

Tiny outfit from Kohl's

Ornament is a gift from my sister-in-law found at Anthropologie


Bear and Buffalo art pieces (gift from my sister) were found on Brickyard Buffalo

Same sister made the macramé garland

'Godspeed' by The Dixie Chicks lyrics print I designed (This song has a whole new meaning now that we are having a little boy, tear up every time I hear it.)

Vintage owl print was a gift from my other sister


Hexagon shelves were purchased at Hobby Lobby

'W' purchased at Hobby Lobby

'S' from Urban Outfitters a few years ago

Curtains made from fabric found at IKEA

Dresser from IKEA

Jenny Lind white crib found lots of retailers

Changing tray for changing pad handmade by my husband and father-in-law

Clock hands on the wall my husband and I made (his idea!) to represent the time 11:24am for the time of day our friends were praying for us as we struggled through our desire to have a child and the Bible verse Mark 11:24


What’s left to do for the room?

- hang wire bookshelf

- paint the dog portraits

- hang letter ‘T’ that husband is making

- carpet and rug cleaned

- make crib skirt

I just go and sit in the floor in his room and read his little books. Each thing completed makes it that much more real. I mean it is for real—he’s kicking me all the time and my feet look like they were snatched from someone else and put on my legs—and all of it I am so very thankful for.

Hope your week is off to a wonderful start!


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