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fabric & curtains

Pattern and color are for me. Fabric is that. So a curtain that I can open and let the light all the way in or close completely for privacy is what dresses our windows. We have tall ceilings in our home thus curtains in a lot of our rooms need to be custom lengths.

I'm not a tailor or seamstress, and my seams are very crooked. Can’t follow a dress pattern very well… As in I’m not for hire on those projects.

That disclosed I do get out my sewing machine frequently. I can do panel curtains and pillows, some mending, slip covers, the kind of sewing that is simple measuring, cutting, pinning, running “straight” through my basic Singer sewing machine.

What I have found is that shopping fabric in the patterns I want in traditional yardage way can be very expensive.

BUT if I keep my eye out at some of my favorite stores (Target, Walmart, Pier 1, World Market, Urban Outfitters, Anthropologie, Pottery Barn, Ikea, Hobby Lobby, Michaels) for just patterns on bedding, table cloths, shower curtains, ready made curtains—AND watch when then go on sale—boom. Lots more yardage options at discounted prices in current, trend-right patterns and colors!!! Sa-weet!

See next posts on Curtains pieced from different fabric sources with some added tips.

May the sun shine new possibility on your projects, too!


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